Jojo is not fun
I'm watching part 1 and it doesnt seem fun. Does it get better? Because I wanna know my time is spent on something of quality

chickeneligible1 Wrote:I'm watching part 1 and it doesnt seem fun. Does it get better? Because I wanna know my time is spent on something of quality

you talking the new jojo or the 2000's jojo?

first season was the best, it gets Jojo-y from there, every new season it took about 10 episodes for me to even get into it. But depends on you honestly. Stop watching if you don't like it, don't just watch something just so that you can be involved.

I watch new part 1-4 anime, the first season battle style and story really change a lot over different part. so someone could like part 3 and dislike part 1. But then again, it really depends on your own taste.

Ayy it gets better around part 3. Im really enjoyingit now. Especially old man Joseph's reaction. HORRRRY SHETT

chickeneligible1 Wrote:Ayy it gets better around part 3. Im really enjoyingit now. Especially old man Joseph's reaction. HORRRRY SHETT

That's cool to see someone warm up to it. I went through the same thing and I kind of powered my way through Part 1. Part 3 is the most popular part in both manga and anime. I believe if you like Part 3, part 4 & 5 are pretty good. It's all thanks to the stands imo.

The Golden Wind part is the best imo

It gets a whole lot different from each part to each part. P1 is pretty slow but P2 picks it up and P3 spins it on its head.
JoJo is not for everyone tho, and that's okay.

jojo is so weird i dont understand

If you're talking about the anime, go for the second part. The first jojo isn't a lot of people's favorite but it's good for plot and catching up.

I had fun watching Part 1 and 2 with friends, but when i tried to watch Part 3 by myself I almost immediately got turned off from it. Shame as Part 3 sounds like the most interesting (and I like the artstyle of the series) and I love over the top shows like Jojo, I really wanted to like it