Journey to Classic Scifi
Hi guys Papa Ape here, one of my favorite genre in books are scifi without further redo this is all my book recommendations:
The Complete Robot - Asimov
The Foundation Trilogy- Asimov
The Dune Series- Frank Herbert
The Three Body Problem Trilogy- Cixin Liu
Folding Beijing- Hao Jingfang

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[+] 1 user Likes DaneelOliva's post

thanks a ton!

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Interesting views

I'm only familiar with the Foundation and Dune stuff. I'm more of a fantasy person; it's my father who was always sci-fi.

This isn't really book related, but as you are someone who reads these old scifi classics, I wanted your opinion. What do you think of modern attempts at hard scifi in film/TV series, such as the Expanse? The Dune movie adaptations were always quite interesting to me, if bad at sometimes (I hear there's a new one in the works. I'm excited to see if it turns out well this time around). But I've never seen Dune as a sci-fi that focuses on the science part of the fiction; moreso I see it as a space opera. I await the day where TV/films catch up to the level of scifi that books have had for decades.

Thanks for this

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