Jump Higher training
Any of you have tried anprogram that develops your vertical jump? I have seen some PDF's online ranging from footwear to exercises to increment your vertical but don't know if they work or not? Anybody wanna share his experience?

Overall, strengthen your squat. Increase volume as well as incorporating explosive exercises in. Depends on your overall goal.

[+] 1 user Likes Asdffghh's post
I wish I could fucking jump but im fucking paralyzed.

[+] 1 user Likes yummybieber69's post
Like others have said, squats. Could try walking with weights on your ankles as well. Basically just want to increase your leg strength

power cleans are great for building vertical

Any opinion on parallel vs ass to grass squats?

Explosive band squats are good

go instagram and watch videos of lee training, lee brothers are very good on this

(14-03-2020, 04:25 AM)savethisb4gone Wrote: Any of you have tried anprogram that develops your vertical jump? I have seen some PDF's online ranging from footwear to exercises to increment your vertical but don't know if they work or not? Anybody wanna share his experience?

70% of your vertical is in your technique, there's loads of videos on youtube to help you master the technique. After that, you need to work on strengthening your muscle fibres more than anything else, I'd recommend regular squats, box jumps, stretching (this is extremely important).

I'm no expert but once I learnt how to jump properly I was already close to dunking, just took a few months extra training to make up the last few inches. I'm only 5"9 and can relatively easily now compared to before.

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RE: Jump Higher training.

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If I find it for free I will share it for free Smile

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I am not ignoring! I have a lot to get through and will reply as soon as I can!

Thank you for the interesting info