Just a simple question
If the early bird gets the worm, why do good things come to those who wait?

Would appreciate any input.

Because those idioms are meant to refer to different situations based on the context.

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Which ever suites you at the time lol

rise and grind, baby!

You have your order of sayings wrong, OP. Here they are in the correct order, as they go along with each other.

>Good things come to those who wait.
This is meant to teach you patience. Sometimes, that opportunity that you're waiting for will take seemingly forever to arise. You can't force the opportunity, so you must wait patiently. The vast majority of those will not wait patiently, though those that love stealing what's meant for others will wait patiently. You must wait for that opportunity to arise.

>The early bird gets the worm.
This is to teach you to strike quickly when that genuine and good/blessed opportunity that you've been patiently waiting for shows its head. Don't hesitate, lest someone else takes what's meant for you.

I agree. They are referring to two different but related things.

Yah different but related bruh

i think it's just coin...

Which ever suites you at the time lol