Laptop or desktop?
I have been using laptops for the last few years but I am thinking of getting a desktop since I don't travel as much and I feel I would get more bang for my buck. Is there something I am not considering? Which do people think is best for someone who does some gaming but doesn't really consider himself a hardcore gamer?

Honestly, I feel as if a laptop is what you want if you travel a lot, its easy to keep clean and carry with you but if you want something more effective a desktop is the way too go. Eventually your laptop will be outdated and it will cost a lot to get an upgrade, while the parts for a desktop usually can hold on for a while and are cheaper if you feel like you need to up your specs compared to buying a whole new laptop. So if you don't plan on going anywhere much, I'd say the desktop is the right move

i personally would go for a desktop for gaming. but you could always have a gaming laptop for on the go. gaming laptops aren't cheap either though, so i would go desktop

Laptop is much more comfy I think. Portable and you can carry it wherever you go. But the truth is I believe you would have a better gaming performane with a desktop. For even a cheaper price than a gaming laptop. So again it is up to your consideration. Big Grin

Laptop dawg only cos of work

The price-performance ratio is always more favorable for desktop. If you want it to use at home, don't think about it and buy desktop.

I prefer using laptop since i could bring it everywhere