League of legends - Worthy to keep going?
Hey all! Does anyone know if league of legends is a worthy game? Like ive played it for a bit but i cannot climb the ladder past silver rank. I feel like the game is designed to only keep you in that level? Some info on the ranking system would be cool.

Much Appreciated !

Its kinda worthy cuz its free to play but everyone have to experience the game himself!
I can tell you, playing alone is kinda boring, if you have friends who play, I can be very funny

if you really want to be good at games like league you have to dedicate a lot of time to it like anything else, if you're just playing casually don't expect to get very far above silver

I see. Thanks for the comments. I wonder if there is some shady shit going on with Riot games withing their ranking system though.

I think league has a steep learning curve because of its wide range of champion pools and the unique match ups that you have to learn. I think it’s only worth if you enjoy playing the game and want to get better over time. I personally played for 6 years and peaked at plat 2 and now I don’t find the game enjoyable anymore.

If you are enjoying it then keep going, if not it's probably best to stop and move onto another game you enjoy more.

Get out while you still can. TheBlrl512 is right- if it's not fun, don't play.

Thanks for the insight Wonderfulpool! Plat 2 is amazing!

I enjoy the game! I love to play Pyke and Shaco.

SoloQ will take your soul. Just play normal with your friends and have fun.

Thanks for the advice!

Yknow what's an easier game to coordinate? Heroes of the Storm. Objective based only.

Thanks for the suggestion!

I shall get rid of the league drug then. Also, thundereder9t8y, at what point did your contribution level turn green? Mine is positive but still grey Sad

It's alright, just don't get too sucked up in it. I'm a one trick shaco and it's fun to smurf

DUDE. Shaco players deserve a special place in hell. So annoying to play against.