League of legends - is it going in good direction?
Do you like recent changes in game? Do you think game devs took good point in adding new champions instead of making sure the old ones are up to date?

People would rather play new champs and some old Champs already have a playerbase. The Aatrox rework showed that a champion rework shouldn't change a champion fully, but modernizing his kit instead. Look at Panth and Fiddle. And skins for new champs most of the time sell pretty good, because it's a new champ.

Lol was always any amazing game, i think they should update more often the champs and do more events

The games gone real downhill for me. I started when aatrox was first released. The new champs are too whacky and broken (ie aphelios, yuumi). Yet champs with older kits struggle without dashes or consistent cc struggle (annie, lux, xerath are good examples in my case). Any support and their mom can build ap and theres no good way to build against it because mr is still trash.

I pretty much play only aram now because norms just isnt as enjoyable anymore

bro league is downhill. community is getting more toxic with the wintrading while riot bans the wrong people

League definitely feels like it has some over powered champions and tends to need you to solo carry your team mates I think the old champs are gonna struggle more and more as it goes on

I only play aram currently and i have my gripes about IT but I think the game is going in the right direction. I just think the meta is boring... it rewards low confrontation and objectives.. I like coordinated fights that at least use SOME type of strategy. Not saying that that isnt a thing.. the comeback factor is a very big mechanism that they are trying to make more robust. Its worth it. TFT is fun too