Leaked server
Is the site being unusually slow for anyone else today?

[+] 4 users Like Kayne Dettmann's post
Are you having issues ? It seems fine for me but I'd like to know how its loading for other people
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[+] 2 users Like Lucifer NightStar's post
Every three or four days, switching between the various Discussion Forum boards gets really slow, and I'll get 524 errors. Happens pretty regularly.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Do you mean it will happen every 3-4 days and you will get 524 errors in that period only


That it slows down every 3-4 days, but you get 524 errors all the time ?
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[+] 1 user Likes Lucifer NightStar's post
>Do you mean it will happen every 3-4 days and you will get 524 errors in that period only
Yes, this. Every 3-4 days, the website slows to the point that it gives me a 524 error. I just log off when it happens, and come back the next day and it's running fine.

No 524 error for me, but sometimes the site is super slow to load

Arrow Any like will be much much appreciated guys. Cheers ! Sick

[+] 4 users Like michelll888's post
Its been slow for the last three days for me. 95% of the time it takes forever to load pages.

[+] 1 user Likes Jason Emmons's post
At 0420 GMT today 6/10/21, the site was running really slow. The first time I loaded it, it timed out loading. The second time I loaded it, it took a full minute before the site started loading. Then it loaded really slowly, and reacted to clicks with a good five or six second delay, with pages loading slowly, too. That was a couple of hours ago. It loaded normally now, but it's still slow.

How about now ?
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It seems to be running fine now. Did the server show anything in the log from that time yesterday?

No not anything specific.

I'll ask the dev if he can shed some light on the matter
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Just reporting another slowdown.

At 06:45 GMT today, Wednesday 12/10/2021, there was a long slowdown trying to load the Lounge. I got taken to the Cloudflare page that checks to make sure you're visiting from a browser. Except that it wouldn't send me to the server at all. It kept refreshing the Cloudflare page for a good five or so minutes. I then stopped it, and linked to the Sports section. It finally loaded, but it took about two-ish minutes to load the page.

I checked the Twitter account to see if there were any issues. You had some downtime 5 hours ago, but nothing for right now. I got a 524 error again, which lasted for 10 minutes. The site then loaded, but it's really slow.

Cloudflare info: Ray ID: 69df4f4b6cec5f89 • 2021-10-14 08:06:56 UTC

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Thank you for the reports. I really appreciate it
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At 0834 UTC, 20/10/2021, I got a 522 error going to the help forums. Before that error, it took about five minutes before Cloudflare gave me the error notification. I tried to copy the Ray ID/other data, but it then loaded the help forum. It's like your web hoster put one of your servers onto a 56k line and then forgot to limit the number of users that can access it at once.

[+] 1 user Likes olichan12's post
Try it now. We have removed a server that was slowing everything down and hopefully we should be good now
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it's just before 0540 UTC on 21/10/2021. This is the fastest I've ever seen this site work before.

A server was slowing things down? What was the problem with it that caused it to slow stuff down?

At or around 0625 GMT on 2021-10-23, I'm experiencing pretty slow page loads (>30s).

Thank you for the reports. We will keep monitoring the situation
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working great for me