Least favorite programming language?
What is the programming language that you absolutely abhor the most? For me personally, it’d definitely have to be JavaScript. Lord only knows how flawed and inane it is and how it violates so many common programming principles that you get used to in the other languages. Just because this is one of the more prominent languages doesn’t mean that it is the best (or even better than most) by any stretch of the imagination

Try Python and you'll be happy that you could use JS or TypeScript Wink Python does not have strict types and interfaces, creating big app is a nightmare.

I'd say javascript is quite okay if you learn TypeScript and learn how to debug well!

I honestly hate C but am just getting over it all.. not looking forward to ruby and perl at all but its gotta be done

Ouch! How can you diss on Python like that =)

Yeah, with python you've got to be fairly cautious about types, but honestly most times it doesn't matter, and for me (when i'm doing stuff in C++ or Java) remembering to put types in the function definition just gets in the way. I know what I want to return, just let me do the thing already without having to define everything!

C man.. that shit hard

I had to learn assembly for uni, this shit is so annoying and outdated

I didn't find C to be very fun either. I've dabbled in JS and Python a bit in the past but it's by far the strangest to me so far.

I recommend JS and Python, they're fairly intuitive.

C++. It sucks... Sorry Bjarne.

I'm a big fan of typescript but hate regular javascript. Javascript will let you do basically anything you want and it can be confusing and lead to bugs.

I know C++ is hard, but is a powerfull language. I want to learn Phyton, but have not time :/

Python, always, simple and good

from all the languages I've learned C is my least favorite.
but only because computer sience studing forced me to learn it and I got preaty confused with pointers.
later I learned go and that enabled me to understand pointers more

I just hate any JavaScipt based shit like NodeJS and the like

PHP, hate it..