Let’s talk about Facebook
So, in the 00’s, it was a fun way to connect with friends, family, and acquaintances. In the first half of the last decade, it became less fun as ads became a bigger thing but still served a necessary purpose in people’s lives. The last half of the decade exposed how powerful and dangerous the once innocuous people-connecting platform was, as it was used by various parties to disseminate misinformation. Now it’s plainly obvious that it does more harm than good and is creating echo chambers that dwarf what Fox News and MSNBC provide. Anyone else feel like Facebook has become a serious problem?

As Facebook is a private company and not truly a "news source" We can't force them to do anything about the rampant misinformation that exists. Do they have a moral obligation to do so? Absolutely. But legally they are well within their rights to run their platform as they please. Now onto the echo chamber. This is a problem that exists within any forum in my opinion with Reddit being a massive offender as it allows people to form their own subreddits following their own beliefs. I don't believe Facebook is a serious problem because in the event that Facebook doesn't exist, the crazies who believe in all this wacky stuff will just find a different platform to voice their beliefs and form an echo chamber.

Yeah for sure it creates an echo chamber completely tuned to you. I go through my friends and girlfriends feed sometimes and am blown away by how different it is

I think the problem is with the user and not facebook it self, and i also think facebook is not as bad in other country

its dying. instagram is now the new wave

once it lost its exclusivity it stopped growing. I still have my account but removed apps from phone and don't even check it all that often

facebook is changing look of page soon to a twitter like look i dont like how it looks doubt many others will as well when they remove facebook classic

Hmm, had not heard about any interface change. Is it in beta?

Im glad Facebook going down,

I don't like to use the term "toxic" but facebook has become a toxic cesspool of misinformation that people refuse to research and fight when trying to correct.

Nah man facebook is shit

Definitely some problematic ways that it's being used (fake news and echo chambers being two) but also comparing the highlights of the lives of those around you and experiencing all the highs and lows of your own life can also cause mental anguish.  "Compare and despair" is something I've often heard.

I think we all need to be responsible consumers of social media and also seek out other viewpoints.  Get past the ego wanting to have the "right" idea already in your head seeking to defend it and search for truth on platforms and I think it will be a better place.

But getting people to that point instead of endlessly scrolling will be a major shift.  I think some people enjoy the mindless distraction too much...

Facebook became what it always wanted to become in the first place. A Data goldmine

Deactivated Facebook don't trust the Zuckerberg!

Yeah Facebook isn't a "social networking" site anymore, the way it was when it first started. When's the last time you saw people post on each other's walls or photos of what they're doing?

I only keep it to stay connected to hot girls i used to know lol.