Let's Pay it Forward
Today, I'd like to share a concept called "Pay it forward". I am sure many of you have heard of it but today I saw the movie that introduced this concept and I was absolutely fascinated by the idea so I thought I'd share it with you guys and gals and hope you follow the steps of paying it forwards. The idea goes something like this. You help one person and that person helps 3 people in return. It doesn't matter the size of the favor as long as you help someone else. Using an exponential growth model this causes a high growth in scalability and a lot of people end up helping each other thus causing a better world
So, if we all pay it forward the world would be a better place. Help 3 people, and ask each of them to help 3 people in return and pass on wisdom. 


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There was a intersting shortmovie i've seen a few years ago on youtube which excatly pictures your idea. Maybe i'll figure out how it's called...

yeah sameeee