Loki season FINALE
How do you think the season 1 will end?

kang shows up

[+] 1 user Likes hgh662's post
An annoying cliffhanger that hooks people and in 10 years in retrospect will make everyone realize how empty and wasteful the show was.

Quote:kang shows up

I don't know what the fuck you're smoking, but, if you think Kang will show up, I want some of your ganja man. It's the same shit as people thinking Mephisto will show up in WandaVision, and nothing. Same goes for some Shang Chi shit in Falcon & WS, nada. Kang? Too high budget, yo.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
Kang would be the obvious answer, so it won't be him. Probably a lead-in for the next Doctor Strange.

Lol this aged well! It was him right? Kang the conqueror?

[+] 1 user Likes daniel.testing69's post
I don't know what the fuck you're smoking, but, if you think Kang will show up, I want some of your ganja man. It's the same shit as people thinking Mephisto will show up in WandaVision, and nothing. Same goes for some Shang Chi shit in Falcon & WS, nada. Kang? Too high budget, yo.


anyways, comparing kang to mephisto makes no sense. kang was already cast for ant-man. we knew he was coming.

I can't believe Kang actually showed up!

An alternate version of Kang; that would mean F4 isn't far away.

[+] 1 user Likes thundereder9t8y's post
lmao KAAAAAANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nothing is "too high budget" for DISNEY lol

i was shocked about the fact that loki ends in another dimension; although there's a theory that every single cap belongs to one of the infinite stones, thats because of the colour of the background they use, the last one was blue like, [space, teresact] and we saw loki traveling to another dimension

[+] 1 user Likes rubnandytexco's post
I thought it was ok, but I don't think a second season is necessary. I'm not sure what they could do with a second season, but I hope it's as good as the first.

This will be a fun ride boyzzzz

i really enjoyed it, interested to see what happens next in terms of the TVA and the sacred timeline

[+] 1 user Likes the real emma watson's post
I don't know what the fuck you're smoking, but, if you think Kang will show up, I want some of your ganja man. It's the same shit as people thinking Mephisto will show up in WandaVision, and nothing. Same goes for some Shang Chi shit in Falcon & WS, nada. Kang? Too high budget, yo.
This. 100% this

It was a good finale, and it wasnt kang the conqueror which i thought was awesome, because there is only one conqueror version of all the kangs in the multiverse and its cool that they showed that a loki is the one who unleashed him on the earth and it was a loki who brought the earth to thanos's attention. Loki is always a pawn to a greater threat, intentional or not

I loved the finale. Jonathan Majors was great as Kang.