Looking for books like the "Kushiels Dart" Trilogies
Not sure this is the right forum, but there were some similar thrads here.

I absolutely loved the book Series (starting with) "Kushiels Dart" by Jaqueline Carey. Three semi-connected trilogies (same Universe, protagonist of the second one is (dont wanna spoiler here) connected to the one from the first, third trilogies Protagonist lives a few generations later).

I can't even say why i like the series so much. I started after i read "Imagica" by clive barker (one of my alltime favourites, read it when i was younger as a translation, re-read it when i was older in original english) and wanted something with a little bit of sex, and the whole bondage/masochism theme sounded nice, but then stayed for the characters and story. And Melisande is still best villain haha.

Aaaaanyway, does anyone have any good reccomendations? Preferably something fantasy-ish, with (hopefully) some bondage/sex in it. Don't think I'd enjoy straight up ero-books, but dunno, want something i can get lost in, something that can make you smile and cry.

Dang, I Really am Hoping Someone answers you, Cause I want that answer aswell Hehhe??

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Salut, j'espere ca marche hate de voire

Imagica was great. Perhaps consider The Barrow by Mark Smylie?