Looking for car recommendation
I am a medical student and have 35k what cars do you recommend preferably new but I don’t mind used,
 or should I wait and save more money?

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Before I read your full description, I was going to recommend the car from Initial D, a Toyota Sprinter Trueno GT APEX(AE86). But in all seriousness, I would get a Subaru Outback. They are great compact SUV's with pretty good gas milage, good reliability and lots of safety features.

Buy a bike. It is healthier for the environment.

I'd keep your money and save it for now. But if you absolutely need something that isn't public transportation, and you're not going long distances, maybe a scooter would do you well. Otherwise, keep at your studies, and don't let this place distract you too much.

Highly recommend buying used. Buying a brand new car was one of the worst financial moves I've made. Are you looking for a specific brand(s)? Is 35k your budget or do you want to spend less than that?

I think if you have time to wait to buy a car, then you should wait, It mostly depends on what you like though, are you a truck guy etc. Honestly there's two roads to go down when buying a car new or used and I think they're as follows. Do you want a performance vehicle for more leisure/fun? or a efficient vehicle for a daily driver? I think that's the best beginning question you can ask yourself.

Definitely get a Honda Pilot preferably 2009 they’re insane!