Looking to get a new PC, how does this one look?
I built my current PC but it was one of the most stressful things I've ever done. Some parts got delivered broken, I ended up getting a CPU cooler thats way too big for my case, and something is messed up so my PC can't go to sleep. Basically, I'm going pre-built now, it also seems like the only way to get a graphics card at good prices. Wanna go for water-cooled instead of just fans as well.

How does this computer here look, anything you would change?

Looking to get a new PC, how does this one look?.

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[+] 1 user Likes apianoplayer123's post
Its really nice, imho

replying so i can view first

yeah its really about as good as you can get for a prebuilt, but what i'd make sure to check if you get it is that the ram is running at its advertised speed. often you will have to enable xmp to switch from 2666mhz to the full 3200.

Very good pre build - I have a 12900 and 3080 build myself and hard to beat that price
Only thing I would upgrade is the storage- if your forking out 2.9k I'd not save on storage getting small SSD + HDD
Remove HDD get at least 2 TB of SSD storage -
I'm using 1TB Sn850 boot OS drive and a 2TB gen3 general storage drive - all games run lighting quick

I'll take a look.