Lord of The Rings TV Show
What are your expectations regarding the show? The show is going to be based on 2nd age I think, which really does not have much material from Tolkein. I think which will suck. Hope I am wrong.

I'm always really wary about TV shows. Witcher was great, but like you said, if the LOTR show is going to be based around a time when there's not much to go on... it's probably not going to go well.

Cast is going preach diversity as well from what I heard. It's really disappointing to see the show not stick to the universe properly.

wait dont tell me theyre actually doing this

Yes, they are.
Unfortunately there is a huge chance of it being total crap.

I'm skeptical, but at the same time I'm open for new content  At

yes exactly me too that is not good

It most likely gonna sucks so my expectations are low

I'm really skeptical. But it has been a while since anyone has done Middle Earth on screen so I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like

I was really skeptical, it apparently had one of the biggest tv budgets of all time.

id honestly rather have a harry potter tv shows that follows the books better than the movies did. then again i havent read all the lotr books so i dont know how much content the movies left out there i suppose. lol