Low contribution detected error
Well in the positive but still no luck. Would be good to know up front to not have to sink credits into something that could be taken down.

[+] 1 user Likes pumpkinbreeze's post
Crap, wish I knew this before I spent my credits lol

[+] 1 user Likes mikolix's post
Why the hell do the credits get consumed? Fuck this site for real, aint no pussy worth this

[+] 1 user Likes bigbadbobby's post
how do you even get a high contribution score or whatever? like right now i’m trying to drag this paragraph out as long as possible and i’m gonna see if it gives me anything on the plus side. i’m on like -50 right now. are you supposed to make actual posts or can you do it through the comments and stuff? and also if you comment do they have to be really long or can they just be short and sweet. ok i think that’s enough words i’m gonna go see if my score increased at all lmao ?

Only way I have found to increase it is to create threads, but you have to wait for them to be moderated and not all of them will be approved. So I just pop every few days, post, like and try and create a few threads and see if it helps. I also wouldn’t try to create too many threads at once, but in time you’ll get there. I’m about 19 threads away from the 100 I need. At least I’m out of the negative.

[+] 1 user Likes Helios78's post
very unfortunate,

I dont get thw contribution system and now im at -55 and I dont know how to raise it someone please help me

Same problem here

Does the content you spent credits on become visible once you have a positive Contributor Level? Or does it stay locked?

I wonder about this too

Yeah this is really anooying. dumb system

This is what I want to know

Contribution >0 still show Low Contribution Detected

same thing happened to me

oops this happened

wondering the same thing as well, a bit confusing

yah, i'm not like too bummed but def wish this was an easier lesson learnt lol.

I think you need more than a hundred, not sure though



Same happened to me even that I ahve +50 contribution level and I just opened the account

I think 100+ is the aim. Suppose it's a fair system if it works