Mars, would you go?
How folks.

I guess in these days this is starting to become a topic that went from sci-fi to well almost reality.. It is around the corner i would say. And i am sure the question has arisen many times before on lunch breaks and what not. But, lets hear it, would you leave everything and be a settler on Mars?

For me, If they would have me. I would go in a heartbeat , just to go into space. ooh yeah. If i die along the way, hey i rode a damn rocket ship  At

Would i miss all my friends back home. YES of course i would. But i can not even imagine the feeling to step out on a "new" planet. Cool Exclamation 

What is you opinion?

I only have One thing to say, lets go right now

I just dont want o fly with Master Chief cuz ill problebly crash and begin a new game of Halo..

[+] 1 user Likes jonathan hamberg's post
No, and I can only assume it will be hundreds of years until it is inhabitable.

[+] 1 user Likes RedReticle's post
I think no, not in this lifetime. Big Grin

Human made problems might be exported to the new planet and you might end up finding there the same reasons why you left the "old world" ... at least this comes to my mind when I think of the the United States as it is nowadays and why people from Europe left back in the old days.

Sounds fun in theory. BUT, I'm pretty sure that the first mission to Mars will end in disaster. Sooooo, I'll probably sit that one out. The second mission to Mars? Well, that is a different question entirely.


My Inask you for your predictions on how it may end in a diaster? You know besides the complications from Mar's atmosphere.

I'd love to go to Mars, If i had a predetermined date to head back home. While interesting at first I'm sure, life up there for the first settlements has gotta be super dull.

If ya'll upload my conciousness in an artifical body then we can talk about travel to Mars

Personally if I had the chance and had no responsibilities back on earth id go without a doubt. Nothing much to lose on earth if you’re at mars.

For sure, if they had decent internet connectivity Big Grin

It’s a bit too risky for me

if no corona there, absolutely

Nah earth aint that bad

Whatever, why not

That is true. but i would still go. Just need beer and i would be a happy camper Cool

Well we do need the porn  Huh

If I can bring people with me, yes.

I probably wouldn't go.