Massively Underrated (Days Gone)
I've recently played through Days Gone and was actually shocked at how good it was. I remember it getting pretty mediocre reviews initially which soured somewhat my desire to play it. If you are a fan of single player games to get lost in, you should check it out. The hordes are impressive and can induce sweaty palms swiftly. The story although suffering from some generic cliché sections, has some meat to it and I found myself actually caring about the main protagonist. A good open world horror/post infection world game with a beautifully realised game world.

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the gameplay is a bit repetitive, that's why i think someone says it's boring. The story is fine. there will be a sequel?

story was alright gameplay was good better and last of us 2.

ill have to try it then since its free on psn

Yeah Days Gone was better than I expected following the general lack of buzz around it. Found myself getting a little bored halfway through though until I started fighting hordes. Definitely the kind of game which would benefit from a sequel to iron out all the kinks though - plus fighting hordes in 2 players would be wild! Shame it looks like we won’t get that.