
Mega Little Lex aka @itllbeoursecret

[Image: baeeb31d8d1ec844022aabd404f627f6.jpg][Image: de5e3754aa5f0e8983d8f617e98bb08e.jpg][Image: 9a8ab5af848629a711d148c3a78a82b5.jpg][Image: 13b07122dfed264650f2743d12577518.jpg][Image: 9a1fb9c08373f67210bdd853868fc80f.jpg]

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Little Lex aka @itllbeoursecret.

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Click Like, its the only thing I get!

  • tuneComments: 41(Click to expand)
    Surprised she doesn’t grow a mustache too
    trey good pordy
    She s looking cute af

    She looks really really nice
    Thanks for the content
    thank you sooooooooo much
    fire, thanks for the link
    My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still,
    While comments of your praise richly compiled,
    Reserve thy character with golden quill,
    And precious phrase by all the Muses filed.
    I think good thoughts, whilst others write good words,
    And like unlettered clerk still cry ‘Amen’
    To every hymn that able spirit affords,
    In polished form of well-refined pen.
    Hearing you praised, I say ”tis so, ’tis true,’
    And to the most of praise add something more;
    But that is in my thought, whose love to you,
    Though words come hindmost, holds his rank before.
    Then others, for the breath of words respect,
    Me for my dumb thoughts, speaking in effect.
    Thax for the link
    thank you very much
    Much appreciated
    Ah yes baby thabks a lot this os good
    hot! thanks for the link
    looks awesome thanks for this Smile
    thank you very much
    Love this chicks hair.

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