Mega or Dropbox?
What's your guys opinion? I think dropbox is easier to open and mega has a few extra steps but tend to be much better quality than dropbox folders

Mega is infinitely better in my experience.

dropbox is easier to use

I’ve been using DropBox, not enough free space for me( 2GB) and I don’t feel like paying for space every month,, especially considering how much content can be posted on there. Me and my friends were thinking about starting a MEGA account and all of us using the same account to have a collection of everything we found and have it be a safe place so it isn’t on our phones someone peeping to see

I ever used mega

both are good

MEGA is better than Dropbox with faster speed

Mega for the bonuses.

mega is the best

MEGA although the download limit gets pretty annoying

Mega is better but the download limit gets annoying

Never used Dropbox, but mega is quite easy to manage.

I like mega over dropbox

Mega, gives you a good amount of storage but that was before idk now