Microsoft potentially buying discord
Any thoughts about this topic? Been hearing it talked about and was wondering who thinks it’s a good or bad thing

Idk how I feel about this. I like discord the way that it is and I’m concerned that Microsoft may try to add unnecessary features. Though it’s always possible they buy and then upgrade it somehow

Perhaps they will have learned a lesson or two from their Skype acquisition?

Would be dreadful, really hope it doesn't go ahead. Discord have their issues but I'd rather they were untouched by Microsoft.

I think it will be fine, but maybe MS will own to many things like Teams, Skype and Discord...hmm

Pretty sure they are gonna buy it. Rumored for 10 billion

In my opinion I think discord is better off not selling it to microsoft because microsoft might make discord worse like skype and discord is much more better right now

if they offfer big money i think pretty sure they will got it, my concern is ads gonna be pretty bad if there is ads if microsoft buy them