Midsommar vs The Wicker Man
They have a lot of things in common. Midsommar is one of my favorite movies of all time. 
Have you people watched The Wicker Man ? Any thoughts ?

Nothing beats the nicholas cage wicker man, just comedy gold in bad film making.

But honestly i really liked midsommar but i felt the slow burn to the final act of the original wicker man was done so well that midsommar just feels like a copy (but a really good copy)

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
The original Wickerman is one of my favourite films of all times, really worth a watch. you could even call it  a musical

[+] 1 user Likes poopoo186969's post
If we're talking original Wicker Man, they're both near the same level. However, Midsommar blows the Cage remake out of the water.

[+] 1 user Likes Danielsantoku's post
Midsommar is great with its characters and relationships. The final act where it feels similar to Wicker Man, I thought WM handled it better bc it felt more as a shock

And yes Wicker Man remake with Nic Cage is a comedy classic but only the extended cut with the bees scene

Nicolas Cage really gotta say no sometimes. That's all I'm saying.

the original wicker man is a masterclass in suspense