Minecraft Is Getting An Update
So if you know minecraft, you probally know that the game receives big Updates pretty much yearly, and this year they are coming with an update that the players have been asking for more than 5 years
Overhauling the caves and stuff

If you are a minecraft player, do you think that this update was necessary? And how you like it so far?

And wich update is your favorite so far?

very impressed that there's still active updates with the game

I've played on and off over the years, but my group of friends and I seem excited for it! (Mainly since we already have a server that we invested time into)

I'm super excited for it, especially because my friend owns a realm that we play on. I'm most excited for the new spyglass, candles, and the scale of the new mountains. It's really going to be their biggest update yet

I don't know if it was necessary, but like most other updates I think it will be a well received change.

Honestly i like the new update but the new ores....idk what to think of them to be honest. IT is a little nostalgic playing the game an di would love to see updates to the end dimension too.