
ModelPOV - Angel May

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[Image: jbFw6R.png]

Met Angel May at a coffee shop during the day. She had just finished going to some class at her local college. She was married to a Navy guy. After talking with her, she said she was interested in getting into modeling. I told her my shoots were adult themed. After showing he some of my sample work, she amazingly said she was interested. I immediately said, lets go shoot now. We didn't have anywhere to go but to her place. Luckly her folks were gone and her husband was deployed on some training. Well, I'm always amazed by Filipino women, they are so petite, soft and smell so good. I love their look, so seductive. I couldn't help but to caress her body and kiss her back/neck... I could feel her nervous body against mine, yet she kept pushing up against my cock. She was horny, so I moved in with my hand to grab her pussy.... she was wet. I pull that thong down and the rest is us being ourselves enjoying each other.

ModelPOV - Angel May.

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  • tuneComments: 27(Click to expand)
    thanks! you have her other shoots?
    thanks for sharing!
    very hot. got that new one?
    Awesome, Thanks!
    Excelente girl, thanks!
    nice, keep going broooo
    wow, nice , thank you
    this is amazing thank you. can you please post her other shoots?
    w o w o w ow ow ow  ow ow ow ow ow
    nice, really enjoyed
    thanks man Appreciate It!
    Where to get the link?
    I love Asian pussy
    nice upload, thanks
    Anyone have her other scenes? I believe she did 3 scenes for Modelpov.
    nice, keep going broooo
    Sweet! Want to see more of her!
    thanks for sharing!
    Thank you thanks

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