
ModelPOV - Ashley

[Image: jbdQAo.png]

[Image: jbdXUr.png]

Shoot 1: Ashley aka Valeria in her 1st ever adult porn shoot with RodHarder of and meets to talk business. Enjoy as we do our interview and then go out to do an outside shoot. We let nature guide us and next thing you know, we are fucking outside. I leave her with a great creampie that she can take home to her boyfriend. Love good girls gone bad. This one tops it as she shows with her face and body how much she loved the cock.

Shoot 2: Anastasia aka Ashley is back after missing in action for years. Her and I once did a river outdoor shoot with our friend Diana, what a 3some that was. Being that Anastasia is so open minded, she wasn't into anal sex back then. Amazingly, she tells me that not only does she still love to fuck and swallow, but she can now handle some deepthroat and anal fucking.

ModelPOV - Ashley.

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  • tuneComments: 45(Click to expand)
    Aye let’s go
    Oh wow hot!!!!!
    good going keep posting
    look so hot !
    wow thank you
    Let’s see this shit
    legends ty for this one
    Thank you very much
    Heart Heart Heart Heart

    Heart Such gold

    Heart Heart Heart Heart
    Ayy great post man!
    thanks bro..
    thanks for the post!

    love it! thanks!!
    Aloha Link pls… have a great day!
    Thank you very much!
    Thanks!! Keep it coming
    Nice collection here, looks interesting.
    Thank you for this
    Love this model. So cute

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