Modern Diversity Women Ruining Films
Im under the belief modern cinema is being attacked by "80%" crowd that believe. "Anything you can do I can do better", 2019 was the highest woman director year. Also was a year of flopped films. I dont believe all films need a strong male and or one dominate race to portray in film. I just want great story telling, visuals, and a reason to want to visit the cinema again.

women are meant to be fucked...thats it. except for moms and sisters of course

[+] 1 user Likes djlucky7's post
djlucky7 Wrote:women are meant to be fucked...thats it. except for moms and sisters of course
Accurate ??


Fatih Türk Wrote:thanksssthanksssthanksssthanksss
So you agree? Lol

I think that our push for diversity NEEDS to be passive. When things are marketed as a movie made for diversity, I think it undercuts the value it could bring and also is a cheap way to make people who want diversity to see the movie even if it's bad

Diversity has a negative effect on movie based on novels that tell the story of a specific region that does not feature a specific race. The Witcher for example...

1 word, ghostbusters

Hân Phan Wrote:Diversity has a negative effect on movie based on novels that tell the story of a specific region that does not feature a specific race. The Witcher for example...
Your right about that, if its traveling merchants I might could buy that.  But diversity village in that type of story is ridiculous.

Johntgewayneboiii Wrote:I think that our push for diversity NEEDS to be passive. When things are marketed as a movie made for diversity, I think it undercuts the value it could bring and also is a cheap way to make people who want diversity to see the movie even if it's bad
Accurate, nobody should be so starved for "representation" that the story suffers.

I don't care if a movie is directed by a woman or man but if is good, and to be good doesn't need to have a man as main character. For example, Kill Bill with Uma Thurman.

[+] 1 user Likes xhamsterplacebopt's post
Ideas/originality in general are running dry, so it was inevitable the film industry would decline either way.

When an agenda is being pushed, and ideas are being injected artificially, the product tends to suffer as a result since it didn't come from the heart. It's like when you see bad CGI, your eyes can pick up that its fake, the same goes for ideas. We are able to tell subconsciously that it wasn't derived from a natural thought process; it doesn't seem believable, which takes away from the experience on a spiritual level. Just saying that someone is suited for a role to fulfill some idealistic notion, does not make it so; as it is subjective, not grounded in reality, and from a source of thought that not everyone may be able to agree with.

The problem is people that control the industry on a mainstream level are out-of-touch, stuck in their own heads, hyper-focused on making profit/acquiring clout, and drunk off their own power. They cannot see outside of themselves, and just assume what they like is what everyone else likes, projecting their unstable feelings through the medium of film to a point where the viewer can sense that instability, becoming overly didactic and off-putting. True quality does not come from ego; to be able to see things and ideas for what they are, requires divorcing yourself from it and being in touch with your soul; and Hollywood has become soulless. So higher quality/spiritual value in film is more likely to be found in the lower-budget, independently-produced level, where most are driven by their passion/soul rather than their mind/money.

[+] 1 user Likes Seraph1's post
diversity should never get in the way of telling a good story.

a good example of this is Alien. fantastic movie, and ellen ripley's considered one of the best characters in film, and a significant female protagonist. but ridley scott's direction and sigorney weaver's acting make it clear that the goal was just to make a great sci-fi / horror film.

you make a solid movie and the rest falls in place.

Cypher Wrote:Ideas/originality in general are running dry, so it was inevitable the film industry would decline either way.

When an agenda is being pushed, and ideas are being injected artificially, the product tends to suffer as a result since it didn't come from the heart. It's like when you see bad CGI, your eyes can pick up that its fake, the same goes for ideas. We are able to tell subconsciously that it wasn't derived from a natural thought process; it doesn't seem believable, which takes away from the experience on a spiritual level. Just saying that someone is suited for a role to fulfill some idealistic notion, does not make it so; as it is subjective, not grounded in reality, and from a source of thought that not everyone may be able to agree with.

The problem is people that control the industry on a mainstream level are out-of-touch, stuck in their own heads, hyper-focused on making profit/acquiring clout, and drunk off their own power. They cannot see outside of themselves, and just assume what they like is what everyone else likes, projecting their unstable feelings through the medium of film to a point where the viewer can sense that instability, becoming overly didactic and off-putting. True quality does not come from ego; to be able to see things and ideas for what they are, requires divorcing yourself from it and being in touch with your soul; and Hollywood has become soulless. So higher quality/spiritual value in film is more likely to be found in the lower-budget, independently-produced level, where most are driven by their passion/soul rather than their mind/money.
Beautiful, couldn't have said/typed it better myself.

crusherrasta Wrote:Im under the belief modern cinema is being attacked by "80%" crowd that believe. "Anything you can do I can do better", 2019 was the highest woman director year. Also was a year of flopped films. I dont believe all films need a strong male and or one dominate race to portray in film. I just want great story telling, visuals, and a reason to want to visit the cinema again.
this actually appen when one story needed to by prepared for the market.. now a film it's just a meaning to do money...

there are a million reasons movies are garbage now.

Woke filmmakers aren't doing it right and the stench of their agenda isn't exactly what people want in their favourite form of media. They completely lost the plot when they went "WHITE MEN BAD". Ironic that they keep going on about being anti-hate when they're way of trying to convince people to drink their kool-aid is hateful and intrusive.