Money spent?
How much money have you spent on video games and their microtransactions?

i hate to admit this but i probably spent well over 5 grand on video games throughout my life. Thinking back on it man, thats a whole lot of money.

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Less than 10$ for the microtransactions, i don't like to feed the beast.

More money than i want to calculate...Destiny 2 and all it's expansions has probably run me about 600 dollars so far.

More than I wanna think about. Not as muxh as 40K thought probably, GW owns my wallet.

Barely any for micro, but I think about 800 in total

i think i spent 10$ every month

Depends on the game. I don't mind supporting good games and quality DLC. Its the preceptory ones that drive me nuts. Looking at you FiFA, EA, and most mobile games with RNG packs.