29-03-2021, 11:29 AM
We have all had that one boss that just pisses you off. they may be too hard, cheese there attacks or no matter what you do any no matter how many times you watch someone else beat them on youtube you just cannot beat them for what feels like an eternity, they when you do you realise its pure delight. But you know if you ever put the game on again you will probably go through that pain again.
My most frustrating boss fight has to be Shoa Khan in MK Trilogy, i couldnt beat him no matter what character i tried i even admittedly tried it on novice and he kept cheesing the shoulder tackle move. in the years i played MK trilogy (about 4) i beat him a grand total of once with Jax of all characters and i still have no idea how i acually did it.
What are your most Frustrating Boss Fights or levels?
My most frustrating boss fight has to be Shoa Khan in MK Trilogy, i couldnt beat him no matter what character i tried i even admittedly tried it on novice and he kept cheesing the shoulder tackle move. in the years i played MK trilogy (about 4) i beat him a grand total of once with Jax of all characters and i still have no idea how i acually did it.
What are your most Frustrating Boss Fights or levels?