Most Satisfying Accomplishment in a Game
What is your most satisfying accomplishment ever in a video game? Mine is either leveling to 60 in WoW back when that was the original level cap or beating any of the Zelda games.

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For me it was getting the "7 Day Survivor" achievement in Dead Rising.

lasting more than 20 minutes in DayZ

completin one? Lmao

beating getting over it for the e first time was very cathartic. very difficult game imo

getting the platinum in red dead 2.... so many animals had to die

Glitch walking up mountains in skyrim lolz

three tetrises in a row lmao

Unlocking the Wyrm Hero Blade in FFXII which requires you to kill everything it would have been useful on. Kinda have mixed feelings on this.

depends on the game but for me its the "all other achievements complete" achievement lol

When I learned the cake is a lie.

Wegen you Play a Game to get it on platinum on ps

All achievements in Dark Souls 3