Most wise quote you have heard?
What is a wise quote you have heard / live by? what meaning does it have to you?

"Do not compare ones journey to your own" - this keeps me from envying others and keeps me patient while waiting for the fruits of my labor

at the end of the tunnel there is light

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I heard this recently and I found it very interesting on how true it is, it's about why is it bad for a girl to have a higher body count but for a guy it's fine and it goes like this:

"A key that opens many doors is a master key, but a lock that gets opened by many/every key is a useless lock"

If it works it works lol

"Years of love have been forgot, in the hatred of a minute." Edgar Allen Poe. I think of this one whenever I see couples or friends argue heatedly or lose their heads.

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.

So much of life is what you roll and where you land.

Mark Hammill, one of my favourite celebs.

"Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching" C.S. Lewis.

This was always a great quote but even more so in a time when everything is recorded and shared. If you make a habit of being a good person without the need for validation or reward you will never get caught up in any of this nonsense we see people getting into every day.