Movie recommendations for lockdown?
Do any of you have any movie recommendations to binge while we're all in lockdown?

Personally I watched 1917 and They Shall Not Grow Old back to back the other night and that was rather excellent if I say so myself. Going from a pretty damn good representation of WW1 in 1917 to an excellent documentary in They Shall Not Grow Old really helped bring the event to life.

This could be a good time to catch up on the classics - take a look at any 'top 100' list and pick something that stands out

Try Trollhunter. It's an interesting take on melding the found footage genre and Scandinavian folklore.

Would help if you said what genres you liked or decade but if you like war movies I would recommend All Quiet on the Western Front

If you don't mind foreign films "Come and See" is a pretty good film in Russian about the horrors of war

Inception and spend the rest of your afternoon thinking about the ending.

knives out was a good mystery movie.

Quote:Try 1917 Smile
Try 1917 Smile i think is so good

If you enjoy animated movies, Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse is great

The Invisible Man was surprisingly good. I'd also second Knives out.