
Ms Puiyi - Pt 1

@ms_puiyi on IG. Sharing some of her more recent stuff, because it's fuego. Surprised she hasn't been shared more on here, she's effin' hot. Granted she's pretty obviously shopped (at least to remove any nipple) but i dunno who cares, still hot, right? Anyway, I digress, enjoy lads

[Image: 20200817-125230.jpg]

[Image: 20200817-124443.jpg]

[Image: 20200817-124500.jpg]

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[Image: 20200817-124533.jpg]

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[Image: 20200817-124558.jpg]

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[Image: 20200817-124630.jpg]

[Image: 20200817-124643.jpg]

[Image: 20200817-124653.jpg]

[Image: 20200817-124706.jpg]

  • tuneComments: 6(Click to expand)
    Damn hotttt

    Fuck yeahhh
    white and pink body. so sexy
    thanks for sharing, i haven't seen this photos before
    Arrow Sick goodddddd
    Thank you very much

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