Multiple political parties in the USA
It barely feels like the two major parties in the USA are different at times.. 

Why is it so hard for more parties to emerge? 

I mean im sure the current two parties are just happy with the status quo but would people even be interested in having more variety?

It makes no sense, this can be seen on the example of many party countries Commonwealth of Independent States

additional political parties would be great but I just dont see a path to it any time soon, even with high interest from the general public

Third parties can't get traction because
1) current political landscape is very partisan, and this forces people to side with one of the two main parties
2) our voting system is (for the most part) first past the post, meaning a third party that is ideologically similar to one of the major parties will actually hurt the major party by splitting the votes, and letting the other major party get a plurality. For example, if we have 60% democrat and 40% republican voters, and a liberal party emerges and takes 30% of liberal vote, then we will be at 30% democratic, 30% new party, and 40% republican, and the republican candidate wins even though they had more people not wanting them than the other two candidates. This happened in 1912, when Roosevelt and Taft split the republican vote.

Not enough money and investment in third parties. I think we definitely need a new party involved.

other parties don't have enough funds to battle the central two parties. that is why. Jeff Bezos should run for president then Big Grin

If you have a big group of people on one team, and you’re like “let’s split the team in half” your team is now dead. But also, if the team is winning, more people will join it.

Since people have been flocking to these two teams over the years, there is no incentive to split them up and it’s impossible to challenge the (at least at the presidential level). Maybe a mayor has a chance as a third party candidate.

The United states way of voting encourages a two party system so its almost impossible to get a third party in.