My Opinion on Captain Marvel
Firstly if you want to go see this film, GO, dont let me or any review change your mind, its important to make your own mind up about it. Oh there are Mid Credits and End Credits Scenes too. That said, onto the review. Captain Marvel is the latest Marvel Studios film, staring Bree Larson, Samuel Jackson, Clark Gregg, Ben Mendelsohn, Jude Law, Annette Bening and a host of others. Personally i am a huge comic book fan, so i loved the film, from the Stan Lee tribute at the start i was hooked, and even a bit teary as well. The film, set in the 90's, follows a Kree Warrior called Vers with no past (Captain Marvel), as she gets caught up in a war between the Skrull - shapechanging aliens, and the Kree - lots of different species of alien, mainly blue though. The war eventually comes to Earth, along with Skrulls, the Kree and Captain Marvel. This leads to Captain Marvel finding out who she was, who she is now and what she stands for. Bree Larson is brilliant as Captain Marvel, her voyage from not knowing her past to discovering the person she was, was fantastic to watch, but the film is full of strong women, and in my opinion it just makes it a better movie, yeah i know Iron Man is awesome, Ant-Man too, but to finally get a cosmic superhero and its a strong willed, independant woman, is just awesome. On a side note, i loved how girls of all ages dressed up to see the film, i think its great that there is a proper bad-ass role model now. Ben Mendelsohn played Talos the Skrull general and i loved the charactor, i admit i was a bit unsure but about halfway through the film when everything came to light, he became a funny charactor. There are alot of jokes in this film, a running one is about Fury's eye, added to the 90's nostalgia and they work really well, the soundtrack is brilliant as well. Its interesting to see Nick Fury - with two eyes - as a lowly Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D and also Coulson as a rookie, gives a whole new side to the charactors, anyone who has seen Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D knows the kind of man Coulson is, and you can see it here as well. Stan Lee's cameo was just perfect. Finally there is Goose, who steals the show in every scene hes in. So in summary: I loved it, it had a good pace, great songs, good acting, id give it a solid 79.5%, its not on Winter Soldier or Infinity Wars level but its up there.

i was pleasantly suprised with it

Didn't like it. Got bored half way.

This movie is really bad , i don't like
Captain Marvel + Marketing = Bad movie

I didn't like it.