My girl shat on my face
So let's go back 7 days, My girl was on the bed, and she asked me, "Can I fart on your face?". I was gonna say no, but she insisted, so I said, "Yeah, sure, why not?. We ate at taco bell that night, so I didn't know what to expect. I said to myself, "Well, I won't breathe from my nose, I'll just use my mouth to breathe instead". We got in our positions, and she started. I was gonna vomit, but, I can see her ass crack, so It was good. A couple of seconds passed, and I saw a little brown thing stuck up there, I was gonna get up, but she kept doing it, so I was fucking terrified. Just before we got up, she shat a little piece on my face, and It went in my mouth, I couldn't spit it out, since she was looking at me, so I had to man up, and I chewed it, and swallowed it. It tasted like caramel, and some salt. I still love her though  :1f495: . She then gave me head, so it was good.