- Polls are broken
- Report button doesn't work
- Add a dark theme
- Add a Off Topic section like we had
- Update the staff list
- Not sure about this one but limit new accounts to only post in certain sections since a lot of new accounts join and post shit in Releases
- Under the "Who's online" box (idk what to call it) add a "Staff online" - People keep asking "Any staff online?"
- Reorder the "User Legend" from Admin all the way down to Member/Guest
- Limit certain/most sub forums to only be visible to members - maybe - idk
- Oh and while I made this I realised the bullets don't show when you make a list - neither does the numbers, rendering the list pointless
- "Recent Threads" thingy on homepage
- The "Thanks given by: " is broken aswell
- Temp bans stays on "Bans Ending Immenently" - Thanks IcePixel for pointing this out
My list (will update as I find stuff)