Mythological Creatures
Tell us about some spooky or interesting mythological creatures from your country's folklore!

As I'm from the Philippines we have creatures such as various Aswangs and other creatures from our culture.

Aswangs in general are considered to be evil, shapeshifting spirits. Believed to be vampires, witches, werebeasts etc.

 [Image: Manananggal.jpg]

One of such is call the Manananggal, an aswang that can separate from its lower body and bare its fangs and wings who preys on the blood of its victims or sucks the hearts out of fetuses from a pregnant woman's belly using its long tongue.

[Image: Kapre.jpg]

This one is here is called a Kapre, a tall, dark, very hairy humanoid creature who is known for sitting in tall trees and smoking tobacco all day. Not inherently evil, they do like to play pranks on travelers by making them lost in the mountains and confuse them even in familiar surroundings. They tend to be somewhat of a guardian, looking after livestock, watching over the locals and scare away children playing late at night. If a kapre "falls in love" with a woman, they will follow her the rest of her life. 

[Image: 122a6a22ce8dc9c2f10148a1db65aa18.jpg]

Now we have the Tikbalang. A reverse centaur with the head and hind legs of horse with a humanoid torso and arms. Sometimes believed to be a reincarnation of an aborted fetus sent to earth from purgatory/limbo, they also like to mess with travelers in the forests as they make you go in circles which seems like forever. In order to get away and find the right path, one must take off their shirt and wear it inside out. Another interesting thing to know about the Tikbalang is its wedding. They say that if it rains on a clear, cloudless day, it means a Tikbalang is getting married at that moment.

That's some of the mythical creatures from our folklore, if you know any from your country's folklore, feel free to mention them in the comments!

Cthulu and other creations of H.P. Lovecraft have always fascinated me. Many people do not realize just how much his work has influenced games, movies, etc.

My favorite Mythological Creature is the manticore

The Headless Hessian of The Hollow. I’m in the US so the majority of “US Mythology” if you can even call it that is derived from literature that really isn’t from that long ago.

From Asia.

There is a spirit called Toyol. It is a small fetus that is rare in a jar that is normally provided by witch doctors, or bomoh.

You got to feed it with blood and it will do things for you like stealing money and giving luck and whatnot. Supposedly it is like a small child and if you leave marbles on the floor, the Toyol will count the marbles and forget to do the stealing stuff. So superstitious people who are afraid of this Toyol, would leave marbles in their homes.