Near Death Experiences
I have had four near death experiences, some would think its alot but others see it as low as we come near death every day we live. i have been in one car crash where i ended up in a coma for four days ( i was six) i have been hit by a car while riding my bike ( broken arm, leg and concussion, could of been worse luckily he was slowing down as he was getting ready to turn) My house caught on fire when i was 13 and i was rescued by firefighters and finally when i was 21 i was messing around on a hotel balcony trying to impress a girl, fell from the fifth floor luckily i hit and fell through branches of a tree that was in the courtyard, i once again broke an arm and three ribs and was cut pretty much all over my body from the branches, i was told if that tree wasnt there i probably would have died. so yea its been a crazy life.

Any one else have any similar stories? hopefully not as many haha

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
no similar stories but was the girl in the hotel room impressed?

[+] 1 user Likes kp995's post
Honestly after she made sure i was ok in the hospital i never saw her again. guess falling five stories doesnt turn the ladies on haha

as a lil kid i choked on an apple till i was blue. my mom and grandma paniced so hard that they tossed me around like tornado to get it out

i was driving with my family once, the car in front of me was very slow in a 80km zone and i didn't see any cars coming, and the center line was dotted so i took the chance to overtake. SOMEHOW, there was a car in front of me and i swerved very heavily and my car was lurching from side to side nearly flipping over. but it didn't and thank goodness for that...

too many and too many scars from it (not self inflicted)