(Nerd Alert) Who is this girl?
I'm big into the nerdy librarian types (they tend to be absolute freaks)...  Anyone know who this is?

[Image: 999564-1-o.jpg]

[Image: 832-1000.jpg]

[Image: 999564-13-o.jpg]

[Image: 1829887406.jpg]

Thanks in advance! Smile

idk who she is but she stares into my soul lol

[+] 1 user Likes toniraffle's post
Definitely no idea.

I would like to know also

Nope, would be interested though

Hot! Love that 2nd pic.

Hmm,not that i know of,anyone else?

Mmm, don't know her name. I only found more pic of her here

RE: (Nerd Alert) Who is this girl?.

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but i guess you already got that ones.

Looks like my old history teacher.

quite hot O_O wish i knew

I'm looking for too

I've been trying for years to find her name.