Netflix or Hulu
Which of the two is better? I only have Netflix and I’m wondering if it’s worth it to get Hulu. Are there any movies or shows that’s worth watching on Hulu that isn’t on Netflix?

I only have netflix and don't think i'm missing much on hulu

Hulu is good for some more classic tv shows. They basically dominate all the adult cartoons(king of the hill, family Guy, South Park) and have some good "trash" tv and reality TV.

[+] 1 user Likes hiker2412's post
I would say the overall amount of content and relevant content is still on Netflix.

It seems that Netflix is better for "regular" content and Hulu for a more specific content.

[+] 1 user Likes westlunder's post
I've generally had both, but to me Hulu was more for currently airing tv shows because they tended to get them right after airing instead of having to wait for the whole season to come to Netflix. Though I use Netflix a lot more now

[+] 1 user Likes tnrv1000's post
Netflix. From what I've seen on Hulu, no real comparison. Plus, you have to pay more to remove ads on Hulu

[+] 1 user Likes KeenMilton's post
Hulu doesn't offer much more compared to Netflix in terms of shows, Netflix is just better

I subscribed to both to test them and I eventually kept Netflix. It has so much content meanwhile Hulu had only one serie that got my interest. I recommend you not to get Hulu, it's honestly not worth it

netflix by far.

[+] 1 user Likes jasonmack's post
Hulu has a solid selection and is included in so many bundles now (e.g. with Spotify in some deals or with Disney+ in others) that I think it's worth getting. I personally still find myself just using Netflix more though.

Netflix is just far better

hulu still plays ads even if you're paying a subscription. have you tried other streaming services other than netflix?

Netflix still has more content and options

hulu for sure

Netflix is my choice between the two

Still Netflix for me, their original shows vary in quality but I really like a good number of them, like Love, Death, and Robots or Altered Carbon.

Netflix, dont miss so much in Hulu

[+] 2 users Like carter9's post
I'm a Netflix guy myself I just prefer it better. But I will say I have heard good things about Hulu too.

I would say netflix