Netflix's Daybreak, did anyone watch it?
its safe to say that its an unpopular opinion to like Daybreak since it was such a mess, but i kinda liked the hot garbage that it delivered, its like scott pilgrim mixed with some ferris bueller, jam-packed in an almost hyperbolic take on "woke" culture, with some interesting character development choices... its not the best show out there, its not the worse show out there, it was something unique and intriguing, and if youre willing to try it, good for you... it left off on a cliff-hanger that will never be fleshed out since Netflix pulled the plug and cancelled it already, which is understandable since it didn't really made a splash unlike other Netflix shows

to those who saw the show, did you hate it that much as other people would say, feel free to roast my taste hahaha

Will say I watched the first couple episodes but I skimmed to the ending because at a certain point the episodes just seemed to lack and real content to them, just imo

Its actually pretty good I watched it with my brother not to long ago