New game to get into?
well pandemic is still happening strong and its about time i switch to a new game. what game would you guys suggest?

[+] 1 user Likes jamimila's post
Try XCOM 2. Played it already like four times. A fucking blast everytime.

If you want to wind down, I would recommend Forza Horizon 4 or Steep. If you look for something competitive, CS:GO is my go-to game, although it isn't new.

The binding of isaac is a good game and you can play an infinite number of games

If you like fighting games, Tekken 7 is pretty fun. Very hard though

Try out the david cage trilogy. Heavy rain, Beyond 2 sous and Detroit become human. Lovely games with choices that actually mean something

[+] 1 user Likes Nick Savirin's post
Depends heavily on the genre. One of my favourites for PS4 was Infamous: Second Son. If you're looking for a PC game, maybe try Genshin Impact or Borderlands 2/3.

Do you have a favourite genre of game? I just finished up Disco Elysium and loved it. But it wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea.

Go play some Battlefield 4 , there are many servers with a big player base and the game just rocks.

Death Stranding is great if you're a patient gamer

If you want a chill relaxing game, I'd try planet zoo.

Idk about you but city skylines was pretty addicting to me

play fortnite for the bants they brought back snipers

pewdepie recommends enlisted if you want to try that out

i havent got a ps5 so cant comment

doom eternal!

Try league of legends