Newbie web developer here
Hey guys, I am new to web development and learning from codecademy. I've a good knowledge of HTML, CSS and just started learning javascript.
What should I do next so that I can also make those fancy looking website?

Have you made any actual practice apps/sites? Start with the basics - a todo-list. If you're looking to get serious with modern web development, I'd recommend you check out ReactJS.

pick a framework - reactjs/angularjs/vuejs

add some animations, maybe css paralax and you will have a really good looking site

sidenote: learn scss/sass, it will make css a lot easier to manage

What is scss/sass?

SASS is CSS transpiler which allows you to have a little more features like for loops, nested classes etc.
It takes (multiple) .scss files and could produce, for example, single minified output.

If you want to do professional work I would recommend to learn a framework. I'd say React and Vue are the most popular ones. Then learn Redux to help handle state.
It can be nice to use some kind of UI-framework (I like Bulma) to make beautiful websites fast.