Nintendo switch worth it?
I've been thinking of buying a switch, especially now the new botw game is coming out soon, but im not convinced at all to be honest.
The games are great, dont get me wrong, but 300+ dollars for a console with only 5 games i really want to play? (plus all those games are all over 50 dollars too)
wish there was some alternative for that but i want to know from people who bought a switch if they regret their decision or actually think they got what they paid for.

If you have the money for one I would say go for it. I got my switch back in 2019 and I really love it. I find one of the best qualities of the switch is that I can pretty much pick it up and play which makes spontaneous gaming stupid easy. (Probably a bad thing lol)
I also happen to really love multiplayer gaming whether that be local or online and the party experience with games like Mario kart really doesn't feel the same with other games.
Also I consider botw a masterpiece of a game. Absolutely worth it Smile
If you want to look into it, I know there are switch emulators out there but I would be careful going that route (ROMs can be kinda shady)

Depends if you're into handheld games or not. Check the games they have before buying the Switch.

I would get it if it's on a good deal

If you are into Japanese games then yes. However, you can play some of those games on other platforms. Like Ni no kuni or tales of vesperia, etc. are on Xbox or PS.
Zelda Botw is a master piece and I bought it just to play that game.
I haven't been able to find other games to play other than Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
I am tempted to trade it in for PS5 and wait for swtich 2 to come out.
Hopefully there will be more games to play by then.

for me its worth cause i really enjoyed it

for me it was worth it but it depends on what kind of games you like

I agree with most of what the others are saying. Depending on if you like nintendo games enough. I love the shit out of my switch but i play a ton of solo games

I had one and sold it, but from what I heard a bigger screened version is coming in October so if you wait you’ll probably get the original switches cheaper

Breath of the Wild is a high quality experience with a ton of replay value. You can think of it as paying $350 for the game. At around 50 hours to play through and beat the main game that is $7 per hour of gameplay which is a fair deal. Play the game twice and through all the various side quests and explorations and the game will give you endless value.

I'd say its worth it for the first couple months, but once you finish the campaigns in your games or you don't have anyone to play with it gets boring quickly; that's just my opinion.

I love my Switch. I got it pretty cheap back in 2018 and despite not having many games I get a lot of replay value from them, specially BotW.

If you feel like waiting for the OLED version coming in October, I say go for it.

debating on whether I should get it or not. anyone know if the lite is good though?

Why not get a console instead?

If you have extra cash like I did, it doesn't hurt to buy it, and play with it once in awhile.

I guess the big question is whether it's worth it now that Steam Deck is coming out

Well, for me.. It's worth if you don't have a switch yet. It has better features than the old one like a better stand. The old stand is so clunky and easily breakable

I think Zelda alone is worth buying the Switch.