No Man's Sky vs. Elite Dangerous
I have been playing No Man's sky on and off for a while and then I tried Elite Dangerous last weekend.
I gotta say I am not impressed. I found myself warping between systems aimlessly on courier missions or delivery missions.
I understand that Elite Dangerous is supposed to be more of a space simulator not a space game but it was basically Philip J Fry simulator for me Dodgy 
Am I doing it wrong? How do you guys enjoy Elite Dangerous, if at all?

I was thinking of picking up one of these games.  Interested to know what everyone else thinks.

Aight Imma say something that might not be taken well. I played both of these games for a bit, got kinda bored, and moved on. Then a friend recommended Star Citizen to me. I know, I know, the game is a development nightmare and will probably never reach a full release, but the sheer amount of content (planets, ships, weapons, armor, etc.) combined with the online play makes it fun as all hell when you find a group to play with. If you like space games, definitely consider that, and look on the public groups page for the game and join one if you end up buying it.

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both were great games!

I heard that Star Citizen is a scam Big Grin
I am kidding. I used to follow Star Citizen when it was in crowd funding phase but then I got tired of waiting.
How complete is the game now days?

if you want to have fun with elite dangerous, you have to buy control system like LOGITECH SAITEK PC X52. After that you have to learn how to control your ship without assistants. Then you will get your fun. NMS and Elite are very different games.