[OPINION] Almost all Marvel movies are mediocre at best with only a few exceptions.
In my opinion, Guardians of the Galaxy is the only Marvel movie that really stands out from the rest. It had the most memorable style and all of the characters had decent enough depth for me to care about them. While the Avengers series is epic in terms of the fight scenes, I feel like it relies too heavily on the fact that its joining all of the heroes together. Every movie essentially boils down to bad guy does bad thing good guys stop bad guy. Thoughts?

[Image: mcu-characters-marvel-cinematic-universe-1.jpg]

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I believe we’re in the stage of superhero movies were they all follow a formula. Step A to Step Z, unlike the beginning where everything was fresh and new and exciting. I think we’re going to witness a new movie genre change where everyone gets focused onto a new type of film, whether it’s back to an old style or something groundbreaking comes through

I enjoy the movies but i kind of feel the same way deep down. The characters are all ones everyone knows and loves which us why i think they movies are enjoyable. But at the end, I'm not left with many lingering feelings, what-ifs, etc that other movies peave me with. Simply a feel good movie.

This is a good take, the films stick very tightly to the same formula and they have trouble making new heros and villians seem interesting at this point.

Guardians 1 was my fave as well. I also really liked Doctor Strange though.

I mean I have to agree. Some definitely stand out, but the hype is way over done. There have been so many better movies outshined due to marketing and popularity of these movies. I will admit I do love the story told underneath the main plot. They actually do those pretty well.

I agree, I think most Marvel movies are terrible. The MCU as a concept is annoying because it requires built-in fan service to sustain itself. The James Bond movie series was long-running but didn't really have any continuity. It was just fun with creative live-action stunts.

All the MCU fight scenes are the same, and the emotional content is undermined by the constant jokes and the knowledge that the stories will NEVER end.

The 80s are so revered for their movies, and throughout movie history there are classics that are rewatched over and over again. I don't think the MCU has that staying power at all.