Obscure Superhero property you want a series of?
Superhero TV series are pretty huge in popularity right now, what obscure property would you like to see an adaptation of?

[+] 1 user Likes Jay Henderson's post
I want another series of The Tick!

[+] 1 user Likes Swagbaby's post
I remember Osmosis Jones used to have some presence, so I'd like to see him again

[+] 1 user Likes Tensei's post
Bananaman ?

[+] 1 user Likes theleeroy's post
Chew comics series or a Hellboy detective series would be great

[+] 2 users Like Nope3's post
The question

[+] 1 user Likes Wrangler's post
Don't know if this would count but I want a show with just Groot and Rocket Racoon going on adventures.

Groot series, that would be amazing!

The Question is a great idea. Completely forgot about him.

I was gonna go for a character I'd like to see as a villain : Equinox, who only existed for The Brave and the Bold if I'm not mistaken.
A god-like adversary obsessed with balance. Basically, if bad guys are winning, he comes helping to save the day, if everything is going great, he comes in to cause mayhem. Possibilities for great anything-stupid and for deep philosophy both. Big Grin

I'd like Booster Gold, i have a soft spot for time travel shenanigans.