Old games and nausea
My first pc gaming experience goes back to my childhood when my best friend got his first pc. Windows 95 was amazing and it had lot of games. It was all fun until I watched him play Hexen, then Duke Nukem 3D and Doom, I just wanted to throw up by just watching the first seconds of gameplay. I always blamed the limited palette for msdos but then it happened again recently, playing good old Half-Life.
Does anybody here know what I'm talking about? Is it a topic in the gaming community? Is there already a solution to this problem? I just want to play half-life.

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Never heard of it. Is it only old games, or do modern games that are done in an old style fit the bill too? (I'm thinking of DUSK in particular). Could be any number of things

You might just have some wierd form of motion sickness

From what i´ve heard, old FPS have low FOV ( field of view) This can cause motion sickness.