One Game for the rest of your life
You have to pick one game to play for the rest of your life, just the vanilla game, no add ons,dlc or mods. one game in its initial release form. what would you pick?

for me it is red dead redemption 2, just for the insane amount of variety there is in the game, plus when i go hunting or fishing hours can pass before i realise the time.

[+] 1 user Likes FinalFantasyRulez's post
I was going to say Rdr2 before I read your thread haha

league of legends sadly

Minecraft or Pokemon diamond and pearl

+1 for red dead redemption 2

dota2 for me, been playing it since icefrog time

I'd opt for Warframe myself provided it kept getting content updates. Even as is there's so much to do and enough variation from the randomly generated maps it could keep you interested for at least a couple decades. I could only think of one other title able to keep my hooked which would be the aforementioned Read Dead.

Rocket League would be